Sunday, May 27, 2012

I  have been slacking to the max the past few weeks and haven't done much. But, I have finally finished this comic, it'd take forever to fix all the mistakes and things I don't like about it, but I want to move on already. How I would like for it to not be noob, I am excited to move on though, and I feel like I learned a lot while making it. I made a new tab for it so it's view-able slide show style but I want to figure out how to make it fullscreenable so the text is visible.

Monday, May 14, 2012

some stuff Ive done over the week, I want to be able to paint landscapes so i started a few hopefully they will look right if i keep workin on them

Sunday, May 6, 2012

yay ive almost completed the last page, i am surely going to take a break from this now and work on a few other things before beggining the vast amount of finishing touches that this thing requires. there are numerous cringe worthy mistakes that im too lazy to fix, but i'd still like to get some feed back before finishing it